S&T Scholarship Database

The S&T scholarship database at scholarships.mst.edu simplifies the process of applying for scholarships online.

  • To access the scholarship database, you must be admitted to the university and have an activated S&T email account.
  • One business day after activating your S&T account, you can begin using the S&T scholarship database.


Getting started

  1. Sign in with your S&T account at scholarships.mst.edu
  2. Start answering scholarship questions to link with scholarship opportunities.
  3. Come back anytime to keep answering questions to link to numerous campus and external scholarship opportunities which become available.

How it works

As you start answering scholarship questions, the system will recommend any awards and scholarships you may be eligible for.

You will be automatically entered into the applicant pool for some scholarships; for other scholarships, you may need to provide answers to additional questions in order to apply.

Browse outside scholarships that you can also link to through the database by answering additional outside scholarship questions.