Policies and procedures

The link below provides access to the University of Missouri System Code of Conduct for Relationships with Student Loan Lending Institutions. This code of conduct is fully applicable to Missouri University of Science and Technology as one of the four UM System universities.

View the regulation

Students who are degree seeking at Missouri S&T can attend classes at another college/university and simultaneously combine hours at both institutions for financial aid purposes. It is possible to receive financial aid under these circumstances as long as certain requirements are met:

  • The course(s) you take at the other institution must be a requirement of your degree program and approved by your academic advisor at Missouri S&T.
  • The course(s) you take at the other institution must be transferable to Missouri S&T.
  • You must be in good academic standing at Missouri S&T.
  • You must be enrolled at least half time (6 hours for Undergrad and 4 hours for Grad---or be on an approved co-op or internship) at Missouri S&T during the semester you are on a consortium agreement.
  • Pell Grant recalculation will be determined based on enrollment at both institutions as of the end of the 2nd week of Missouri S&T classes each semester.
  • Only enrollment at Missouri S&T and other institutions in the University of Missouri system will count towards the enrollment requirements for any financial aid funded by Missouri S&T (e.g.- automatic merit scholarships)
  • Correspondence courses are NOT eligible.
  • Summer consortium agreements are NOT available.

General information

Your financial aid will be awarded by the institution from which you will receive your degree. The school from which you will graduate is the “home” institution that must process a consortium agreement with the other school, also called the “host” institution.

The purpose of a consortium agreement is to ensure disbursement of the proper amount of financial aid. Consortium agreements will only be processed if they are necessary for you to receive your financial aid. If you enroll simultaneously at Missouri S&T and another school, the total registration hours between the two schools will be used to determine your financial aid eligibility at Missouri S&T.  A forfeiture of some financial aid may occur depending on the 'host' institution you are choosing to attend.  

You will be responsible for paying all program fees at the other institution using the financial aid that is refunded to you by the Missouri S&T, if applicable. Missouri S&T will not make payment directly to the other school. This agreement is for only one academic term and not for the academic year.

If you receive financial aid for classes taken at another college or university, Missouri S&T must receive an official transcript of these courses, even though the grades could be detrimental to your overall grade-point average. It is your responsibility to provide an official transcript to us. We must also have the official transcript before calculating your satisfactory academic progress. Not receiving the official transcript could result in loss of that semester's financial aid-creating a balance due with Missouri S&T AND it will delay receiving financial aid for the following semester.


Speak to your academic advisor to ensure that the courses you wish to take at the “host” institution will transfer to your degree program at Missouri S&T.

  • Consortium Agreement forms with full instructions and requirements can be requested in G-1 Parker Hall.
  • Fill out the student section and sign the form. 
  • Take the form to your academic advisor for signature so that the class will count towards your degree.
  • Take the form to the Registrar’s office for signature so that the class will transfer to Missouri S&T.
  • Return the form to the student financial assistance office for processing.

When student financial services receives the form, they will forward it to the host school. Before aid can be disbursed, student financial services must receive a statement of fees and an enrollment summary.  Be sure to plan accordingly and be aware that as a consortium student your aid payments may be delayed.


If the consortium agreement is not received on or before these dates, it will not be processed:

  • Fall Semester: October 15
  • Spring Semester: March 15

Students can work for a semester or during the summer as part of the co-op program. The internship program provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable experience while making professional connections. While on a co-op or internship, students are considered as full-time enrollment while away. All students must have reported the co-op or internship with the Career Opportunities and Employer Relations Office to qualify as a university sanctioned activity. Most students do not receive financial aid or scholarships while they are away on a co-op or internship. Certain exceptions may apply. For more information about how co-ops and internships affect your financial aid package (including scholarships), contact your financial services counselor.

If you will be on co-op back to back for two standard semesters (fall and spring), your aid may be affected.  If you are receiving Bright Flight, and do not receive at least one disbursement in the aid year, you will forfeit Bright Flight in future terms.  For all other aid, please visit with the student financial services office to determine how a full year co-op could affect your aid.

Visit Career Opportunities and Employer Relations for more information on finding an internship or co-op. CAREER.MST.EDU

Eligibility for financial aid is calculated based on your Student Aid Index (SAI) which is derived from the information that you provide on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

Financial need is defined as your cost of attendance - your SAI.  If this amount is greater than 0, you are identified as having need and could be eligible for need-based aid. Your total need based aid package cannot exceed your financial need. Your total financial aid award cannot exceed the cost of attendance.

Student financial services calculates a financial aid package for admitted students based on the results of the FAFSA. A student must have the FAFSA sent to Missouri S&T by including the federal school code of 002517.

Eligibility Requirements for Specific Programs are as follows:

  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) requires that your FAFSA be filed by February 1 and that you are Pell eligible. Other eligibility considerations may apply based on funding allocations.
  • Federal Work-Study requires that your FAFSA be filed by February 1; students with high need will be given first consideration. Other eligibility considerations may apply based on funding allocations.
  • Missouri Access has a FAFSA priority deadline of February 1. The final deadline is April 1.
  • Federal Pell Grant is based on income and SAI received from the FAFSA.

Financial aid offer letters will be made to new students by mail around the end of February if their application is complete and all required documents have been received and reviewed. The aid offer letter will list and explain the aid available for the following school year, and may include tentative awards that will be so indicated. Aid offer letters for current students will also be available on their Joe'SS around the middle of March. They will receive an email reminder when their new aid is available to view. 

As a student, you need to understand how adding or dropping a course will impact your student bill.

Each time you add a new course, you will be charged for the full cost of the course. This cost will be the same before the last day to add classes as it would be if you added the course before the semester begins.

Any student within the plateau tuition (12-18 hours) who adds or drops a course but still remains at 12-18 hours will not see any tuition adjustment.

If you drop a class, the amount you will be reassessed changes depending on when during the semester you drop. The reassessment dates are:

  • 100% refund through First week of classes
  • 50% refund weeks 2-4
  • 25% refund weeks 5-8
  • No refund applied weeks 9-16

These dates are outlined in the academic dates and deadlines each semester, and can be found on the Registrars webpage https://registrar.mst.edu/calendars/

FERPA is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment. (Statute: 20 U.S.C. 1232g; Regulations: 34CFR Part 99.) The intent of the Act is to protect the rights of students and to insure the privacy and accuracy of education records. The Act applies to all institutions that are recipients of federal aid administered by the Secretary of Education.

FERPA prohibits access to, or release of, educational records or personally identifiable information contained in such records (other than directory information) without the written consent of the student.  This release allows verbal access only.  All permissions granted will stay in effect until removed by the student. 

To grant permissions, simply log into Joe'SS and navigate to the screen: 

Self Service>Student Center>Personal Information>Additional Authorized Access>FERPA tab

For more detailed information regarding FERPA please see the Registrar's website.

If you get married after completing your FAFSA, you will need to make corrections to your FAFSA to include your Spouse's information.  You may then be asked to document these changes.  Please follow up with the student financial services office if you make a change due to marital status.

Documents that may be required by the student

  • Copy of  marriage license.
  • Copy of student's federal tax transcript, if student filed taxes, or have used the IRS Data Retrieval when filling their FAFSA.
  • Copy of  spouse’s federal tax transcript, if they filed taxes. If the spouse worked but did not file taxes, the spouse must provide W-2 forms.

Financial aid eligibility is determined in part by a student’s enrollment level. Most scholarships and some grants require you to enroll full-time. All federal (Direct) student loans require you to enroll at least half-time. To determine your enrollment level, please view the Registrar’s website regarding hours and enrollment levels. If you will not be a full-time student, please contact our office to learn how your aid may be affected.

Pell Grant awards in a given semester are based on your enrollment intensity which is calculated by dividing the number of hours enrolled by 12 (full time enrollment).  For instance, if a student is enrolled in 11 hours, they will receive roughly 92% of the maximum Pell award for that semester (11/12=91.67%).

If financial aid funds are disbursed to you that are later determined to have been based on erroneous information or system errors, you are liable to repay Missouri S&T the amount of financial aid you received in excess of your correct eligibility. Furthermore, if you are administratively withdrawn or dropped from some or all of your courses, you are liable to repay any funds that Missouri S&T is required to return on your behalf.

A federal Pell Grant is a free grant that is available to eligible undergraduate students that have not earned a bachelor’s degree. Student and family income that is provided on the FAFSA and enrollment status determine eligibility and award amount. Federal Pell Grant awards are initially based upon full-time status (12 hours or more). The Student Financial Services Office will review all Federal Pell Grant awards at the end of the second week of classes. Students who add/drop courses during the first two weeks will have the Pell Grant awards increased/decreased based on the overall change in enrollment status.

Pell Grant awards in a given semester are based on your enrollment intensity which is calculated by dividing the number of hours enrolled by 12 (full time enrollment).  For instance, if a student is enrolled in 11 hours, they will receive roughly 92% of the maximum Pell award for that semester (11/12=91.67%).

Pell recipients that are less than full-time at Missouri S&T and dually enrolled with another accredited university may be eligible for a consortium agreement. Requests for consortium must be received by the deadline on the consortium form.

A student may decline all or part of a Pell Grant disbursement that the student is otherwise eligible to receive, as long as this action is taken in the same award year as the funds were received. In doing so, the student will reduce the Pell “Lifetime Eligibility Used,” or LEU, which is the measurement by which Pell eligibility in the academic career of an individual student is tracked. The LEU for each student is 600%. Once a student reaches the 600% limit, they may never receive a Pell Grant again.

To decline Pell funds, students must send a signed, written statement clearly indicating that they want to decline their Pell Grant funds for which they are otherwise eligible, and that the student understands that those funds may not be available once the award year is over.

While you attend Missouri S&T, your student account may have a credit balance when your payments and credits exceed total charges due. Generally this occurs because of excess financial aid, overpayment, or reductions of charges, such as dropping credit hours.

Refund of Excess Proceeds

Financial aid refunds are processed daily and are generally available within 3-5 business days after the date that the aid was posted to the student account if the student has direct deposit set up on Joe’SS. If the student will be receiving the refund via check, it can take 7-10 business days to receive it through the mail. 

There are two options to receiving any refunds from your student account. You can either set up direct deposit into your checking or savings account, or all students are automatically set up to receive refunds via check to your local Rolla address. If a local address is not available, mail or permanent addresses will be used.

Direct deposit will remain active until you request that it be changed. Currently, direct deposit is only available for student refunds. Refunds resulting from Parent PLUS Loans are mailed to the parent who originated the loan unless the parent has requested the refund go to the student when they completed the PLUS Loan application.

Refunds are processed on a daily basis during peak times and may occur before all charges are posted to your account. You are responsible for paying any subsequent charges as they appear on your monthly billing statement. 

Refund of Charges

Refunds because of dropped hours or withdrawal from S&T are processed on a daily basis as well. If you drop course hours or withdraw while classes are in session, a portion of your class fees may be credited to your account, based on the university’s refund policy. Credits may be used to satisfy an outstanding balance on your account. Your financial aid award may also decrease as a result of add/drop activity. Therefore, a drop in hours or a withdrawal does not automatically result in a refund owed to you. With the exception of a Parent PLUS Loan refund, all refund checks are issued in the student’s name.

Special Situations

Refund in the event of a student death

When a student dies prior to completing the current academic semester, the designated official in the Registrar’s Office will authorize a full refund of educational fees for the current semester.  Any refund will be made payable to the administrator or executor of the estate of the deceased student.  Documentation of student death should be submitted to the Division of Student Success, 106 Norwood Hall, 320 W. 12th St., Rolla, MO 65409, Phone: 341-4292.

Exceptions to published refund policy

The Registrar’s Office is charged with the responsibility of considering and approving exceptions to the published educational fees refund policy. Any change in assessment can only be adjusted to a rate already established.

A student who believes that a greater adjustment of educational fees should be issued than provided for in the established schedule or who feels that they should not be charged a late registration fee may file a Fee Adjustment Appeal. Exceptions to the established university policies are not made lightly and will generally be considered only for unique and difficult circumstances experienced by the student. Be sure to include all information requested (including specific course information).

Federal regulation 34 CFR 668.2 (b) allows students to receive federal financial aid, in some cases, for repeat coursework.  

To determine whether a class can be included for federal financial aid purposes, please review the following points:

• A student may receive aid when repeating a course for the first time, regardless of whether the student passed, failed, or withdrew from the first attempt.

• A student may continue to receive aid for repeated attempts of a course, regardless of the number of attempts, provided the student has never passed the course. Our Satisfactory Academic Progress policy still applies.

• Once a student has passed a course with a grade of D or better, the student may receive aid for the course on the first attempted retake of the course. Regardless of whether the student passes or fails this attempt, no more financial aid will be given for subsequent retakes. If the student withdraws from this attempt, then the student may receive aid for the third retake. Failed classes and withdrawn coursework may jeopardize a student's eligibility for financial aid under our Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.

• Once a student has passed a course and completed a repeat of that course, the student is no longer eligible for financial aid for that course. If the student repeats the course a third time, the credit hours will be excluded from the student's enrollment for federal Title IV financial aid purposes. These regulations apply regardless of whether a student has received aid for the course in the past.


*This policy applies to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Some financial aid awards require full-time enrollment, some at least half-time, and some are adjusted to meet the course load, such as the Federal Pell Grant. A student must comply with the following minimum semester hours of enrollment (excluding audited hours) in order to be eligible for federal and state financial aid programs, as follows. 


Minimum undergraduate

fall/spring hours required

Minimum graduate

fall/spring hours required

Access MO/Bright Flight 12 N/A
Direct PLUS Loans for Parents of Undergrads and Grad/Professional Students 6 4
Federal Pell Grant (adjustable based on hours enrolled) 1 N/A
Federal Supplemental Grant 6 N/A
Federal Work Study 6 4
Ford Federal Direct Loan 6 4
Scholarships (most) 12 9
University loans 6 4

To receive federal financial aid, students must be eligible to enroll in an academic program that leads to a degree or certificate program associated with a degree program and must meet satisfactory academic progress per federal financial aid guidelines and per Missouri University of Science and Technology policy. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress policies must maintain both qualitative (grade-based) and quantitative (time-based) measures. Missouri S&T satisfactory academic progress is defined by the following three criteria:

1. Cumulative grade point average (GPA) requirement (Qualitative):

  • Undergraduate students with 59 or fewer credit hours must have a 1.67 cumulative GPA.
  • Undergraduate students with 60 credit hours or more must have a 2.00 cumulative GPA.

2. Semester progress requirements (Quantitative):

  • Students must complete a minimum of 75% of attempted coursework. (Attempted hours are based on enrollment as of the first day of the semester).
  • Undergraduate students who attempt any coursework in each semester, are expected to complete at least 1 credit hour during the semester. Students who have attempted any credit and who do not complete at least 1 credit hour will be suspended from future aid.
  • Completing a course with an “F”, “WD”, “DL”, “I” (incomplete) or switching to Hearer (Audit) Status or another failure to receive a letter grade will be considered as not having satisfactorily completed a course.
  • **If you officially withdraw (or unofficially withdraw and receive all "F's" for the semester) you will have completed 0 (zero) attempted hours and will skip the "Warning" stage.  You will be required to appeal your SAP the following semester.  

3. Maximum timeframe allowance (Quantitative): Students must complete their degree program within 150% of the semester hours required for that degree. Calculations are performed on attempted hours, not completed hours. Examples include the following:

  • The Bachelor of Art in History requires 120 credit hours. Students must complete this degree before they have attempted 180 credit hours (120 hours * 150%), or their aid will be suspended.
  • The  Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering requires 129 credit hours. Students must complete this degree before they have attempted 193.5 hours (129 * 150%), or their aid will be suspended.

Each program requirement may differ, and students should review the course catalog http://catalog.mst.edu/#text to determine the number of credit hours required for their degree.

Evaluation Periods

Missouri S&T SAP is evaluated at the end of each semester – fall, spring and summer. At the time of each evaluation, a student who has not achieved the required GPA, or who is not successfully completing his or her educational program at the required pace, is no longer eligible to receive assistance under Title IV, HEA programs, except as provided below in regards to appeals.         

Satisfactory Academic Progress Results

Below are sequential, consequential steps students will encounter if SAP is not met.  These outcomes are sequential.

  • Financial aid warning - The first time a student does not meet the cumulative GPA or semester progress requirements, the student is put on a one-term 'warning' period. The student is still eligible for federal and state financial assistance during this time. This step is skipped if you complete 0 (zero) attempted hours by officially withdrawing (or unofficially withdrawing and receiving all "F's" for the term).
  • Financial aid probation – Student is eligible for federal and state aid during this one-term probation period after an appeal (see appeals below). Students who are placed on financial aid probation are required to seek out academic support by visiting with the S&T Student Success Center.
  • Implementation of Academic Plan – A student may be asked to submit a 3-semester SAP Academic Plan & Appeal Form if they have had multiple terms where they did not meet SAP, or if they did not meet the maximum timeframe allowance (150%) (see appeals below). Students will be required to be following the SAP Academic Plan in order to receive any federal/state aid in future terms.
  • Financial aid denial – If the student is not able to meet SAP standards within a three semester academic plan, or does not successfully demonstrate situations outside of their control, the student will not be eligible for federal or state aid in the upcoming term.  SAP would be evaluated after the next term of enrollment for future eligibility.


If a student does not meet SAP requirements after the 'warning' period or if they did not pass any hours attempted, the student may appeal the determination that they are not meeting the SAP requirements for cumulative GPA or semester progress if they have extenuating circumstances, such as extended illness of the student or an immediate family member (parent or sibling), enrollment limitations due to academic advisement or other extenuating circumstances outside of the student’s control. The student may submit a SAP Appeal Form to student financial services. The appeal should include very specific information on why the student was unable to meet SAP requirements and what steps they plan to take to make sure they are meeting satisfactory academic progress in the future.

If an appeal is approved and the student does not meet SAP standards at the end of the next term, or if they did not meet the maximum timeframe allowance (150%), they will be asked to submit a 3-semester SAP Academic Plan & Appeal Form. (Students may also be asked to complete an Academic Plan if the Student Financial Services office determines at any time the student will not meet SAP in the next term (for example, if one term is not enough to bring up the required cumulative GPA).)

If asked to submit an appeal, the written appeal should include a detailed explanation and documentation of the following:

  • Current academic standing of the student
  • Extenuating circumstances that led to the student’s current academic status
  • The student’s plan for achieving required minimum standards of satisfactory academic progress

Maximum time limitations may be appealed if there is an increased credit requirement for completion of a specific program, if the student has changed majors, or is pursuing a double major or adding a minor.

Any student who is appealing his or her SAP status must meet all financial aid application deadlines and other eligibility requirements. Appeals will be evaluated within four weeks of receipt of the SAP Appeal to student financial services. If the student’s appeal is denied, the student is not eligible for federal or state aid, but may still enroll. If during the next semester the student meets SAP requirements, the student’s eligibility will be reinstated.


Most incoming freshmen merit-based scholarships and university transfer scholarships have a renewal cumulative grade point average of 3.00, which is evaluated at the end of each spring semester. Starting fall 2024, merit-based scholarships awarded at the time of admission are available for a total of eight semesters (transfer scholarships awarded before fall 2024 are available for a total of four semesters).

Students who lose a renewable university funded scholarship due to failure to meet the 3.00 cumulative GPA requirement will have the opportunity to raise their cumulative grade point average at S&T to the established renewal level within two academic semesters (fall/spring) and have some of their university-funded scholarship reinstated at that time. It will be the recipient’s responsibility to inform student financial assistance that he or she met the renewal cumulative grade point average to have their scholarship reinstated. This notification must be received from the student's S&T email account to sfs@mst.edu prior to the end of the first day of the fourth week of the semester. 

The Reinstatement Policy is not available to students who either withdraw or otherwise leave Missouri S&T during a fall or spring semester. Exceptions can be made for those that withdraw/leave S&T for medical or military purposes.  Students who seek this exception must have achieved the required cumulative GPA prior to leaving S&T and must not take classes at any other institution prior to returning (students may take virtual only classes during active duty). Failure to meet either of these requirements will forfeit the student's right to request an exception.

Once the fourth week of classes in the fall semester has passed, a student cannot receive scholarship funds retroactive for the current or previous semesters based upon meeting the renewal scholarship GPA requirement. Furthermore, reinstated scholarship funds cannot be applied to pay previous semester(s) fees and expenses. This policy only applies to general operating (GO) university-funded scholarships (see list below of awards that fall into this category). Departmental, alumni, donor (non-general operating), state scholarships and all other awards will not be affected by this policy. This policy also does not adjust or extend the amount of the scholarship, or the number of semesters the student is eligible to receive the award beyond the initial award.

Definition: GO (general operating) University-funded scholarships include Alumni Grandchildren Scholarship, Alumni Sons/Daughters Scholarship, Alumni Section Scholarship, Chancellor’s Scholarship, Curator’s Scholarship, Distinguished Scholars Scholarship, National Merit Scholarship, Trailblazer Scholarship, Border County (and Extra) Award, S&T Connection (and Extra) Award, Provost International Scholarship


Current students:  A current student can appeal to have their entering freshmen and transfer scholarships renewed. The Scholarship Appeal Form must be submitted to the student financial services office before the end of the 4th week of classes for the term. At the end of the academic year, students who have renewable scholarships, and did not meet the requirement of a cumulative GPA of 3.00, may submit a written appeal within the first four weeks of classes. The appeal must explain the situation that caused their cumulative GPA to drop below 3.00 and what steps they are going to make in the future to bring it back up to the requirement. Typically, it takes 2-3 weeks for the committee to review appeals. Once appeals are reviewed, the student will be notified of the decision by email.

Per the Missouri S&T Scholarship Reinstatement Policy, if you do not appeal, or your appeal is denied and your cumulative GPA meets the scholarship renewal requirement, please inform student financial service via email to receive the scholarship(s) eligible for reinstatement for the next academic year.

Final semester for seniors: If a student is in their final semester at S&T, and they do not need to take 12 credit hours to complete their degree, they can appeal for general operating (GO) university funded scholarships. The student must be enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours, should have the required 3.00 GPA, and must have eligibility for that semester (i.e. they have not received the scholarship for eight semesters prior to their final semester). The student’s graduation date must be updated to reflect the current semester.  The Graduating Senior Scholarship Appeal Form must be sent the student financial services office.  Appeals will be reviewed by a scholarship committee, and students should expect an email response within 2-3 weeks.

Financial aid eligibility is based on parental and/or student prior year income. If a family has unusual circumstances, regulations allow student financial assistance the option to review the student’s situation. Possible reasons for a special circumstance review include unemployment; divorce; death of a spouse or parent; loss of child support; loss of Social Security benefits; or loss of other income benefits. The circumstance in question must be able to be documented and significantly change the ability to contribute. Appeals are typically a one-time exception. The documentation required will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Special circumstance forms can be found on our forms page.

The following agreement is presented and must be accepted prior to securing classes for any given semester. This is either done through Joe’SS during on-line registration or at the Registrar’s Office while registering manually:

Missouri University of Science and Technology Statement of Financial Responsibility

By signing this document, I, the student, understand and agree that my registration and acceptance of the terms of this Statement of Financial Responsibility constitutes a promissory note (i.e. a financial obligation in the form of an educational loan as defined by the U.S Bankruptcy Code at 11 U.S.C. 523(a)(8)) in which the University is providing me educational services, deferring some or all payment obligations for those services, and I promise to pay for all assessed tuition, fees, and other associated costs by the applicable due date. I am fully responsible for the charges incurred as the results of this action. My agreement is required once per year and is valid for the Summer, Fall and Spring semesters. I further state that I fully understand and agree to the terms and conditions below.


All fees are due and payable to the University and are the student's responsibility to pay as the result of registration or other activity that incurred as charges to the student. A minimum payment option is available for students unable to complete their financial arrangements at the time of registration. Students with delinquent accounts will NOT be allowed to register in subsequent semesters. All payments received are final, no changes or adjustments allowed to the payment amount once the payment has been processed. Reassessment of fees will still occur based on the established reassessment schedule.


Electronic billing is the official method for billing all enrolled students. Billing statements are updated monthly. Students are notified at their Missouri S&T email address when the statement is available for viewing. Electronic billing statements can be viewed from Joe'SS.


E-mail is the official University method of communication with the student. It is the student's responsibility to check and responsibly manage their email account so that important information can be received. As billing statements are available online, your failure to receive a billing statement does not constitute a valid reason for not paying a bill in a timely manner. Actions and charges that result from failure to pay charges on time or to respond to a Cashier's Office message are the student's responsibility.


The University will pursue any and all collection efforts and practices including referring the account to a collection agency and/or attorney and reporting to the credit bureau. The account will be assessed all additional collection charges associated with the collection of the debt including but not limited to: collection agency fees, reasonable attorney's fees, court costs and all other charges allowed by law not to exceed 25% of the total charges. All communications concerning disputed debts, including a check or other financial instrument tendered as full satisfaction of a debt, must be sent to Account Disputes, 204 Parker Hall, 300 W 13th Street, Rolla, MO 65409


Student accounts will be subject to a late fee of $10.00 when payment is not received and processed by the scheduled due date as communicated on the student's Monthly Billing Statement.


The University will assess a 1% per month finance charge on any account that remains unpaid after the payment due date. A finance charge is always assessed on the unpaid balance that has been billed after the payment due date; therefore, it is to the advantage of the student to avoid finance charges by paying the account in full.


Any student registering on or after the first day of classes will be assessed a late registration fee equal to the cost of one credit hour of tuition at the undergraduate rate.


If payment is not received by the due date communicated on your monthly billing statement a financial hold will be placed on your account. This hold will prevent you from receiving transcripts and your diploma.


The University reserves the right to modify by increase or decrease the fees charged for attendance and other services at the University, including but not limited to tuition, at any time when in the discretion of the governing board the same is in the best interest of the University, provided that no increases can or will be effective unless approved by the governing board not less than thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the academic term (semester, etc,) to which the fees are applicable, with all modification of fees to be effective irrespective as to whether fees have or have not been paid by or on behalf of a student prior to the effective date of the modification.


It is the student's responsibility to formally notify the Registrar's Office and to follow proper procedures when withdrawing from the University. Failure to pay fees, failure to receive financial aid, failure to attend class or refusing financial aid does NOT constitute an official withdrawal from Missouri University of Science & Technology.


Fees will be reassessed for students who officially cancel classes, withdraw from the University or add/drop classes. Fees included in this reassessment are Tuition; Non-Resident Fee; Student Activity Fee; Information Technology Fee; Course Fee (if applicable). Such fees are reassessed and reduced in accordance with the reassessment schedule for each term found on the Cashier's website. The fee assessment schedule and official refund policy can be found in Policies and Procedures.


The student's account is billed for the full account balance for each payment date; however, a minimum payment amount is allowed. The minimum payment amount is derived by dividing the current term charges by the number of scheduled payment dates remaining in the semester, and adding the total of any previous semester remaining balance.

  • Fall (August-December) Semester Payment Due Dates - August 10, September 10, October 10, November 10
  • Spring (January-May) Semester Payment Due Dates - January 10, February 10, March 10, April 10
  • Summer (May-July) Semester Due Dates - May 10, June 10, July 10

The required minimum payment must be made by the due date to avoid finance charges and late fees. You may pay the total due or any amount greater than the required minimum. Any payment amount less than the total due results in a 1% monthly finance charge on the unpaid billed balance. Enrollment is not complete until the minimum payment is made.


Payments made with YOUR online banking service may result in a significant delay in the processing. We make no guarantees that your payment can be received and processed by the due date.


Financial aid (grants, scholarships, loans) that has been approved but has not yet paid to the student account is considered to be "anticipated". Anticipated aid is deducted from the current term balance in the Billed Balance Calculation area of your monthly billing statement. The balance remaining will be billed to the student and the minimum payment must be paid by the due date communicated on the billing statement. The remaining balance is subject to the 1% monthly finance charge and late fee. When the aid is received, it will be applied to the student account but there will be no reduction in the amount due since the aid was already taken into consideration and deducted from the current term balance. Current term aid should not be used to pay past term balances. Aid is intended to be used for the semester for which it was applied.


If part or all of your educational expenses are paid by an embassy, agency or company, you can elect to have them billed through our Sponsor Billing process. Written authorization from your sponsor is required and should be directed to Cashiers Office, Missouri S&T, G-4 Parker Hall, Rolla, MO 65409-1160 Attn: Sponsor Billing. Upon receipt of a completed billing authorization, a credit will be posted to your student fee account for the amount authorized. We will bill the sponsor directly on your behalf. If the sponsor does not pay in a timely manner, the third party credit will be removed from your account and you will be responsible for payment.
If you do not have full sponsorship for all your fees, you must make at least the minimum payment in order to hold your classes. If you make the minimum payment, you will be subject to a 1% monthly finance charge on the unpaid billed balance. If you owe a past term balance, it must be paid in full.


Personal checks - The amount of the personal check may not exceed the amount due from the student. A student whose checks are returned from the bank unpaid will incur a $20 service charge per check. A student presenting a check for fees to the University that is returned unpaid and remains unpaid after the close of the regular registration period will be considered a late registrant and will be subject to the late registration fee; the enrollment may also be subject to cancellation.

  • E-check - Electronic check payment can be made for the amount due online at Joe'SS. There is no processing fee associated with electronic check payments.
  • American Express, VISA, MasterCard and Discover - Credit card payments may only be made through our third party vendor which can be accessed through Joe'SS. Payment will be accepted on the student's account up to the credit limit of the cardholder and may not exceed the amount due. Please be aware that a 2.85% convenience fee ($3.00 minimum) will apply to the amount of the payment. Refunds based on credit card payments will be refunded to the credit card.


Any check not honored by your bank will result in a $20 returned check fee. If the returned check, including e-check payments, was attempting to pay a prior term balance your classes may be subject to cancellation.


Tuition and other related fees are generally non-dischargeable in bankruptcy and will survive after the bankruptcy has closed. Except in certain limited situations, this means that a student will still owe the debt to the university after the bankruptcy.


By signing this document, I, the student, agree to all above terms and conditions.

Missouri S&T offers students the opportunity to study outside the United States through approved Student Exchange Programs and Faculty Exchange Programs.  (S&T currently works with Mizzou to offer study abroad programs.)

Students who are part of a study abroad/exchange program are enrolled in 15 undergraduate or 9 graduate credit hours for a fall or spring semester and either 3 or 6 credit hours for the summer semester. Non-Missouri residents participating in a study abroad pay resident tuition fees for the semester(s) they are abroad. Most types of financial aid can be used to pay for study abroad. Some students may receive additional aid for study abroad. 

Important note: If you normally receive scholarships for out of state tuition, these scholarship(s) will not apply during your semester or year abroad since all students (out of state or in-state) will be billed in-state tuition while studying abroad.

If the Study Abroad Program you choose is not a university approved program, the student must complete a Consortium Agreement to receive financial aid.  All course work taken on the study abroad must count towards your degree program and be transferable to Missouri S&T. Consortium Agreement forms with full instructions and requirements can be requested at the Student Financial Services Office at G-1 Parker Hall.

If a student is Pell Grant eligible, please apply for the Gilman Scholarship. Check for deadline dates at http://www.iie.org/Programs/Gilman-Scholarship-Program.

Students must be enrolled during the summer semester to be awarded financial aid. Once a student has registered for the summer semester, student financial services will automatically assess a student’s eligibility for federal aid (Federal Pell Grant, Direct Loans, etc.), provided the student is enrolled at least half-time during the summer semester and has not already exhausted his or her annual eligibility. During the summer semester, undergraduates must enroll in a minimum of three credit hours to be considered half-time. Graduates must be enrolled in at least two credit hours to be considered half-time during the summer.

Students who wish to be considered for university loans and other limited funds will be required to submit the Summer Financial Aid Application, which is available April 1 (or the first Monday in April if April 1 falls on the weekend). The link to the application will be made available on the student financial services website and awarding will be prioritized based on the order in which applications are received.

What is TPD discharge?

A TPD discharge relieves you from having to repay a William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loan, Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loan, and/or Federal Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan) Program loan or complete a TEACH Grant service obligation on the basis of your total and permanent disability. Before your federal student loans or TEACH Grant service obligation can be discharged, you must provide information to the Department of Education to show that you are totally and permanently disabled. The Department of Education will evaluate the information and determine if you qualify for a TPD discharge.

Will I be eligible for new student loans?

If the Department of Education grants a TPD discharge of your federal student loans or TEACH Grant service obligation, you will not be eligible to receive a new Direct Loan or TEACH Grant in the future unless:

  • You obtain a certification from a physician that you are able to engage in substantial gainful activity; and
  • You sign a statement acknowledging that the new loan or TEACH Grant service obligation cannot be discharged in the future on the basis of any injury or illness present at the time the new loan or TEACH Grant is made, unless your condition substantially deteriorates so that you are again totally and permanently disabled.

In addition, if your discharge was granted based on documentation from the SSA or a physician’s certification and you request a new Direct Loan, Perkins Loan, or TEACH Grant during the 3-year post-discharge monitoring period described earlier, you must resume repayment on the previously discharged loans or acknowledge that you are once again subject to the terms of your TEACH Grant service obligation before you can receive the new loan or TEACH Grant.

How can I get student loans from Missouri S&T after a TPD discharge?

You may have received notification from Missouri S&T that the Department of Education has made us aware that you’ve had a prior student loan(s) discharged due to Total and Permanent Disability or you are in the process of applying for a Total and Permanent Disability Discharge. Before receiving any additional loans you must submit a Borrower Acknowledgment statement confirming you do not intend to discharge any future loans and a physician’s certification indicating the ability for you to engage in “substantial gainful activity”.

After receiving proper documentation, the Student Financial Services office will be able to determine if you are again eligible to receive Title IV federal loans.

Missouri S&T follows the criteria for disability discharge and borrowing again after disability discharge outlined in the Federal Student Aid Handbook, Volume 1, Chapter 3, pages 1-82 and 1-83.

For more information regarding Total and Permanent Disability Discharge please see https://www.disabilitydischarge.com


Tuition is the main university charge for instruction. At Missouri S&T, the Board of Curators sets these fees annually and they are charged for enrollment in any credit course.  Separate tuition rates are established by student level (undergraduate and graduate), residency status (Missouri resident, domestic non-resident, and international students), and by the student's degree plan.  Tuition tiers correspond to the market and cost of delivering the degree, factoring in the cost of specialized facilities, equipment, and faculty.

S&T offers a plateau (a flat rate charge) for undergraduate students who take 12-18 credit hours per semester.  By removing the financial barrier of enrolling in additional courses within the plateau, you can enroll into fuller course loads (15 hours vs. 12 hours) and graduate on time.  Credit hours outside of that range will be assessed at 1/12 of the flat rate.  This structure allows you take exploratory courses at no additional cost.  Students should continue to work with their academic advisors to create course schedules most appropriate to their learning needs and programs of study.  If you are enrolled in a graduate program, you will continue to be assessed on a per credit hour basis.

Students will pay the tier rate for their degree plan as of the last day of the 100% refund period for the term.  If a student changes major after that day, the billing tier will not update.  If a student has declared two majors, the plateau and tier rate still applies.  Students will pay according to the degree plan with the highest tier rate of their selected majors. 

Charges for tuition and related fees change annually based on the approved rates, the number of credit courses taken, and the student's degree plan.  

International Tuition Rates

The University of Missouri Board of Curators approved a new tuition rate for graduate international students that is above the non-resident (out-of-state) rate. This additional tuition revenue will help fund services the university provides to its international students to help them be successful on campus as well as partially funding scholarships for international students.

Activity Facility Fee

The Activity Facility Fee is voted and approved by the student body allocating money to student organizations and activities.  This fee also allows students access to the recreation and fitness centers and admission to home athletic contests.  For specific allotments, please see the Student Council website (stuco.mst.edu/safb)

Health Service Fee

The Health Service Fee provides students with access to health and wellness services offered by two departments, Student Health Services and Student Well-Being.  Student Health Services (studenthealth.mst.edu) ensures students are healthy and miss as little class time as possible due to illness.  They act as non-emergency urgent care and provide services such as illness and injury treatment, immunizations, well-woman exams, STI testing, medication management, travel consults, allergy injections, sport/orthopedic injuries, and more.  Additionally, the Health Service Fee supports Student Health Service programs such as monitoring student immunization compliance and managing communicable disease outbreaks (such as COVID-19).  Student Well Being (wellbeing.mst.edu) empowers students to thrive mentally, physically, and emotionally.  They provide individual and group counseling services (provided by licensed counselors), one-on-one wellness consultations and coaching sessions, peer-led education and support programming, group trainings, bystander intervention education, and more.  Additionally, Student Well-Being offers virtual counseling visits within the state of Missouri.  All students have 24/7 access to online resources, some of which can be found using Health and Well-Being Resource Directory (wellbeing.mst.edu/resources/directory) and using the urgent/crisis resource page (wellbeing.mst.edu/resources/crisis). 

Yes, this is a mandatory fee for all students, regardless if the student maintains personal health insurance.

Academic Testing Fee

An Academic Testing Fee was implemented spring 2014 to allow Missouri University Of Science and Technology to provide the on-line Fundamental of Engineering (FE) exam and to accommodate the growth for testing services not restricted to engineering related testing. This is a mandatory charge for all students classified as a Sophomore, Junior and Senior.  The fee is $26.25 per semester for a Senior; $15.75 per semester for a Junior and $7.35 per semester for a Sophomore. For more information please visit the Testing Center at http://testcenter.mst.edu.

The U.S. Department of Education has regulations to prevent fraud and abuse in the Federal Pell Grant Program by identifying students with unusual enrollment histories. If a student received the Federal Pell Grant at multiple institutions during the last three academic years, the student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) may be flagged for unusual enrollment history (UEH). Unusual Enrollment History must be resolved before a student will receive Federal Financial Aid. The student’s FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) will reflect any unusual enrollment history, and the Student Financial Services Office will be required to review enrollment history to determine whether or not the student is enrolling only long enough to receive refunds of Federal Student Aid.

If the student received the Federal Pell Grant and credit hours (passing grades: A-D) were not earned at each institution during these award years, the student may be determined ineligible for Federal Financial Aid. The student may be asked to provide valid documentation explaining the reason behind the unusual enrollment history. Students whose aid eligibility is denied as a result of unusual enrollment history can be re-considered for federal student aid after meeting with an academic advisor, enrolling for one academic semester with a minimum enrollment of half time status (six hours for undergraduate and four hours for graduate), enrolling only in courses that are required by their program, not dropping or withdrawing from (officially or unofficially) any courses after the term begins, and meeting the university’s standards of satisfactory academic progress (SAP).

Each year the U.S. Department of Education (ED) requires schools participating in the distribution of federal aid to verify the consistency and accuracy of data submitted on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). ED selects which applications are to be verified.

The verification process involves the review of federal tax documents and household information to ensure the accuracy of the FAFSA application. To complete verification, applicants may be asked to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool or submit their federal tax transcripts, and provide other documents to student financial assistance.

Beginning November 30, 2023, Missouri S&T will be partnering with Inceptia to complete the verification process. (See more information on verification)

Who may be selected: Any student who completes a FAFSA may be chosen for verification.

Student financial services will verify all mandatory items identified by ED. This could include household size; the number of family members in college; number of exemptions; adjusted gross income; taxes paid; untaxed income; untaxed IRS distributions; education credits; IRA deductions; tax exempt interest; and child support paid. In addition, some students will be required to verify high school/GED completion status as well as complete a Statement of Educational Purpose. Our office can also verify discretionary items if we deem necessary.

Student financial services must resolve any conflicting information before disbursing financial aid to the student's account. If an applicant’s financial aid information requires reprocessing, based on the verification process, corrections will be made electronically administered by our office. These corrections will generate an updated Student Aid Report (SAR) which will be sent, usually by email, to the student from the ED. The Student Aid Index (SAI) may change based on the corrections made. If conflicting information is discovered after aid is awarded or disbursed, student financial assistance must resolve the conflicting information. If this changes the student's financial aid awarded, the student may be required to repay aid they received in excess of their eligibility. All conflicts must be resolved regardless of whether the student was selected for verification or not.

Timeline and deadlines:

We encourage you to begin the verification process within 7 days of receiving notification from Verification Gateway to ensure you receive your financial aid in time for payments. Failure to complete the verification process could result in the delay or denial of your financial aid.

Your financial aid funds cannot be disbursed to your S&T account until verification has been completed. 

Verification should be completed by October 31st for the Fall Semester and March 1st for the Spring Semester to allow processing time for your financial aid.

Documents Requested: Students selected for verification could be required to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool on the FAFSA or submit a copy of their IRS Tax Return Transcripts or signed copy of their 1040. This is a requirement from the Department of Education to guarantee the accuracy of the household income reported on the FAFSA and to insure that federal aid is awarded properly. Occasionally unintended errors are made on the FAFSA application and this process will verify the information and make any corrections that are required.

If you filed your federal tax return electronically you should be able to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool on the FAFSA or request a Tax Return Transcript within 2-3 weeks of filing. If you filed a paper return, you should be able to request a copy within 8-11 weeks.

Using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool is the preferred way to fulfill the income verification request. However, not all applicants can use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. If any of the following apply, the IRS Data Retrieval Tool is not available and the applicant will have to submit a Tax Return Transcript to student financial assistance (all apply to both students and parents unless otherwise noted): 

  • The person did not indicate on the FAFSA that the tax return has been completed.
  • The marriage date is January 2018 or later.
  • The first three digits of the SSN are 666.
  • The person filed a non-US tax return.
  • The person is married and filed the tax return either as head of household or married but filing a separate return.
  • Neither married parent entered a valid SSN.
  • A non-married parent or both married parents entered all zeros for the SSN.
  • If you use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool and alter the data, you will be required to submit a copy of the IRS Tax Return Transcript or 1040.

After the verification document request have been met, Inceptia will compare the information provided on the FAFSA and may ask for additional information if discrepancies are found that cannot be explained.

If you have received a financial aid package before completing verification, your aid eligibility will be reevaluated by your financial aid counselor after verification has been completed. You will be notified by email if your awards change after verification.

The Registrar handles eligibility for veteran and veteran dependent benefits. Missouri S&T is approved for the certification of students eligible to receive educational assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Missouri S&T Veterans Services staff are not employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and do not have access to veterans' records. http://registrar.mst.edu/links/veterans/

Veterans and active duty military personnel are considered automatically independent for FAFSA & federal aid purposes; parental information would not be included on the FAFSA for an independent student. 

You are considered a veteran for FAFSA dependency purposes if, as of June 30 following the aid year (i.e. June 30, 2025 for the 24-25 aid year), you (1) have engaged in active duty (including basic training) in the U.S. armed forces (army, marine, naval, air, or space service) and were released under a condition other than dishonorable; (2) served full-time as a Reservist or member of the National Guard (other than training purposes); or (3) were called to federal active duty. 

You would not be considered a veteran for FAFSA dependency purposes if you (1) have never engaged in active duty in the U.S. armed forces, (2) are currently a Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) student or a cadet or midshipman at a service academy, (3) are a National Guard or Reserves enlistee activated only for state or training purposes, or (4) were engaged in active duty in the U.S. armed forces but released under dishonorable conditions. You would also not be considered a veteran  for FAFSA dependency purposes if you are currently serving in the U.S. armed forces and will continue to serve through June 30 following the aid year.

Students who are recipients of Title IV federal financial aid are subject to federal regulations and policies. Title IV federal financial aid is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded and thereby "earn" the award. When a student ceases academic attendance prior to the end of that period, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of federal funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive.

The federal policy requires the return of "unearned" Title IV federal financial aid to the U.S. Treasury if recipients withdraw from all classes on or before the 60% point in the term based on the student's last date of attendance, even if the student is not entitled to a refund of tuition.

A student is required to immediately notify the registrar when he or she stops attending classes. If the student fails to notify the registrar, it is possible that the 50% point in the term will be used to determine the student's last date of attendance, in accordance with federal regulations. If a student withdraws from all ­classes, our office will determine whether that student's period of attendance resulted in the earning of all of the federal financial aid that was originally awarded. If it is determined that not all of the scheduled federal aid has been earned, our department will calculate the amount to be returned to federal financial aid programs. The student will be billed on his or her university account for the amount returned. It is the student's responsibility to contact the student financial service's office about settling the bill.

Additional responsibilities of students who withdraw

Any time a student withdraws from one or more courses, the student should consider the potential effect on his or her Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status. Please refer to the Satisfactory Academic Progress section in the above drop-down section of Policies and Procedures.

Whenever a student's enrollment changes to less than half time, the student withdraws completely, or if a student takes a leave of absence, he or she must notify the lender or holder of any loans. Student borrowers of federal or university loans must also satisfy exit loan counseling requirements.

It is also the student's responsibility upon withdrawal from all classes to notify the student financial services and residential life offices if the student has charges from these offices on his or her student account. Withdrawn students may be entitled to a prorated cancellation of charges from these offices.

Title IV federal financial aid

Students are considered recipients of Title IV federal financial aid if they have used funds from one or more of the following programs to meet educational expenses for the semester in question: Federal Pell Grant; Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG);  Federal Ford Direct Loan (Subsidized or Unsubsidized); Federal Graduate or Parent PLUS Loan.

Period of enrollment

At S&T, the periods of enrollment are generally measured using the session(s) the student enrolled in on a semester basis, starting on the first day of classes and ending on the final day of examinations for a given term. For purposes of Title IV federal aid, any scheduled break of five or more days will not be included in the measurement of the enrollment period.

Measurement of earned Title IV federal financial aid

Based on the date the student notifies the registrar of intent to withdraw, thus beginning the official withdraws process from all classes, student financial services will calculate the percentage of earned Title IV federal aid using the date the student begins the withdrawal process. The earnings calculation is based on the number of days of enrollment, up to and including the day of withdrawal, divided by the total number of days in the enrollment period. In most cases, when a total withdrawal is determined to occur on or before the 60% point in a semester, some federal aid will need to be returned.

Receiving a grade of “F”, "DL", "I" in all coursework

If a student does not officially withdraw and is assigned a grade of 'F’, 'DL' (Delayed), or 'I' (Incomplete) in all coursework for a term, each grade must accompany a "Last Date of Academic Activity" assigned by the instructor.  This date will assist student financial services in determining the last date of attendance for the student's withdrawal. 

Title IV Federal financial aid returns

To satisfy federal regulation, returns to Title IV financial aid programs must be made in the following order:

Federal Unsubsidized Ford Direct Loan, Federal Subsidized Ford Direct Loan, Federal PLUS Loan, Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, then other Title IV federal programs.

In the federal and institutional work-study programs, you work part-time to earn money to help pay for the cost of your education. The work-study program is for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need. The program encourages community service work and work related to your course of study.

  • Complete your FAFSA by the priority deadline
  • Allotted on a first-come, first serve basis as funds are limited
  • Provides part-time employment while you are enrolled in school
  • Available to undergraduate, graduate and professional students with financial need
  • Available to full-time or part-time students
  • Available to those you achieve satisfactory academic progress
  • Request work-study for either the academic year or the summer period

Learn more about work study

If offered work-study, you must accept the award through Joe'SS. If the award is not accepted, it may be removed and given to another student. If offered, you will receive an email from student financial services to complete paperwork and choose an on-campus job. Once a job is obtained and payroll paperwork is completed, you will work and receive a paycheck (direct deposit) every two weeks. 

You are not guaranteed to earn the full amount of the award, and unused portions will not roll over into the next enrollment period. Responsibilities and expectations are the same as with any job;  you are expected to dress appropriately, exhibit professionalism, etc.

An award must be in place for each semester you work. You cannot work a work-study job and also have another job on campus. 

Work-study is like any other on-campus job. Studying is not permitted during work hours. However, if given explicit permission by a supervisor, you may be allowed to study during work hours. You must abide by all departmental regulations regarding work assignments.

Third party billing is a payment agreement between a student, the University and the student’s sponsor.  The sponsor is an outside source that takes responsibility for all or a portion of the student’s tuition and fees.  The student is responsible to work with their sponsor to provide the University with written authorization that minimally specifies the amount and kind of fees the sponsor will pay and for what period. 

This same student could be eligible for awards (i.e. graduate waivers, scholarships, etc.) funded by the University and in situations where there are multiple funding sources, University funds should be used last.  Third party sponsorship should be considered the primary support for payment of tuition and fees. 

Tuition will not be reduced by graduate waivers for students employed as graduate assistants (GRAs, GTAs, GAs) that are also sponsored by a third party entity.   The full amount of tuition and fees, allowed by the sponsor authorization, will be contracted on the student fee account and billed to the third party sponsor.

The Student Financial Services Office will follow the guidelines above when applicable, in an effort to assist our students, while remaining cognizant of University resources.